Sviatoslav Richter /

CD : EMI Great Recordings of the Century : Richter - Beethoven Triple ConcertoEMI Great Recordings of the Century : Richter - Beethoven Triple Concerto

Label : EMI

Product :
5 66902 2

Year : 1999

Disc Count : 1

Price Offer : 6.14

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Beethoven, Ludwig van

Triple Concerto for Violin, Cello & Piano in C Major, Op. 56
- Herbert von Karajan conducting Berliner Philharmoniker

- performed with David Oistrakh & Mstislav Rostropovich

Purchases Offers :
EMI Great Recordings of the Century : Richter - Beethoven Triple Concerto

Recording Details :
- September 15 - 17, 1969 in Berlin, Jesus-Christus-Kirche