Johann Sebastian Bach/
Pastorale in F Major, BWV 590 (excerpt) /

Johann Sebastian Bach/Pastorale in F Major, BWV 590 (excerpt) - Discography
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�Deutsche Grammophon : Pires - Complete Chamber Recordings
CD : Deutsche Grammophon : Pires - Complete Chamber Recordings

Artist : Maria João Pires

Label : Deutsche Grammophon

Year/Product Id : 2016/479 5964

Number of Discs : 12

�Deutsche Grammophon : Pires - Schubert, Brahms, Mendelssohn
CD : Deutsche Grammophon : Pires - Schubert, Brahms, Mendelssohn

Artist : Maria João Pires

Label : Deutsche Grammophon

Year/Product Id : 2013/479 0965

Number of Discs : 1