André Previn /
BMG Classics /

André Previn/BMG Classics - Discography
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�BMG Victor : Mozart - Concerto, and Sonata for Four Hands
CD : BMG Victor : Mozart - Concerto, and Sonata for Four Hands

Artist : André Previn

Label : BMG Classics

Product Id : 09026 68044 2

Year : 1993

Number of Discs : 1

�BMG Victor Red Seal : Previn - French Works
CD : BMG Victor Red Seal : Previn - French Works

Artist : André Previn

Label : BMG Classics

Product Id : 09026 68181 2

Year : 1993

Number of Discs : 1

�BMG Victor Red Seal : Previn - Debussy, Ravel
CD : BMG Victor Red Seal : Previn - Debussy, Ravel

Artist : André Previn

Label : BMG Classics

Product Id : 09026 68062 2

Year : 1992

Number of Discs : 1

BMG Victor Red Seal : Previn - Mozart Quartets
CD : BMG Victor Red Seal : Previn - Mozart Quartets

Artist : André Previn

Label : BMG Classics

Product Id : 09026 61384 2

Year : 1993

Number of Discs : 1

BMG Victor Red Seal : Previn - Mozart Quartets
CD : BMG Victor Red Seal : Previn - Mozart Quartets

Artist : André Previn

Label : BMG Classics

Product Id : 09026 60713 2

Year : 1993

Number of Discs : 1