André Previn /
Ernest Chausson /

André Previn/Ernest Chausson - Discography
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�Forgotten Records : Previn - Chausson Piano Quartet
CD : Forgotten Records : Previn - Chausson Piano Quartet�Forgotten Records : Previn - Chausson Piano Quartet

Artist : André Previn

Series : Forgotten Records

Product Id : FR 259

Year : 2009

Number of Discs : 1

Stereo Records : Previn - Chausson Piano Quartet
LP : Stereo Records : Previn - Chausson Piano QuartetStereo Records : Previn - Chausson Piano Quartet

Artist : André Previn

Series : Stereo Records

Product Id : S 7014

Year : 1958

Number of Discs : 1