John Ogdon /
Franz Schubert /

John Ogdon/Franz Schubert - Discography
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�BBC Legends : Ogdon - Beethoven, Schubert
CD : BBC Legends : Ogdon - Beethoven, Schubert�BBC Legends : Ogdon - Beethoven, Schubert

Artist : John Ogdon

Series : BBC

Product Id : BBCL 4142-2

Year : 2004

Number of Discs : 1

�Imp Records : Ogdon - Brahms, Beethoven, Chopin
CD : Imp Records : Ogdon - Brahms, Beethoven, Chopin�Imp Records : Ogdon - Brahms, Beethoven, Chopin

Artist : John Ogdon

Series : Imp Records

Product Id : 6701202

Year : 1996

Number of Discs : 1

Imp Records : Ogdon - The Collection
CD : Imp Records : Ogdon - The CollectionImp Records : Ogdon - The Collection

Artist : John Ogdon

Series : Imp Records

Product Id : BOXD 4

Year : 1989

Number of Discs : 3