Recut/Recut - Pianist Discography


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�Recut : Katchen - Bartok, Prokofiev
LP : Recut : Katchen - Bartok, Prokofiev�Recut : Katchen - Bartok, Prokofiev

Artist : Julius Katchen

Series : Recut

Product Id : 1979/REC 01

Number of Discs : 1

Recut : Katchen - Beethoven Concerto No. 1, Choral Fantasy
LP : Recut : Katchen - Beethoven Concerto No. 1, Choral FantasyRecut : Katchen - Beethoven Concerto No. 1, Choral Fantasy

Artist : Julius Katchen

Series : Recut

Product Id : 1987/REC 03

Number of Discs : 1

�Recut : Katchen - Bartok, Prokofiev
LP : Recut : Katchen - Bartok, Prokofiev�Recut : Katchen - Bartok, Prokofiev

Artist : Julius Katchen

Series : Recut

Product Id : 1979/REC 5001

Number of Discs : 1

�Recut : Katchen - Beethoven Concerto No. 1, Choral Fantasia
LP : Recut : Katchen - Beethoven Concerto No. 1, Choral Fantasia�Recut : Katchen - Beethoven Concerto No. 1, Choral Fantasia

Artist : Julius Katchen

Series : Recut

Product Id : 1979/REC 6001

Number of Discs : 1