Felix Bartholdy Mendelssohn

\ Variations sérieuses in D Minor, Op. 54 /

Felix Bartholdy Mendelssohn/Variations sérieuses in D Minor, Op. 54 - Discography
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October 25 & November 22, 1946 - Horowitz, Vladimir - New York City - Town Hall
-( 1 LP ) RCA Victor LM 9021
-( 1 CD ) BMG Classics GD60451
-( 1 CD ) BMG Classics 60451-2-RG
-( 1 CD ) Classica D'oro CDO 3009
-( 1 CD ) Enterprise PL 257
-(70 CD) Sony 8869-757500-2
-( 1 CD ) Urania URN 22.261

March 20, 1950 - Horowitz, Vladimir - New York City - Carnegie Hall
-(42 CD) Sony 88765484172

April 22, 1964 - Richter, Sviatoslav - Moscow - Theatre of the Cremlin
-( 1 DVD ) EMI DVA 4 928499 9

May 28, 1964 - Richter, Sviatoslav - Moscow - Tchaikovsky Hall
-(50 CD) Melodiya MEL CD 10 02270

April 22, 1965 - Richter, Sviatoslav - New York - Brooklyn Academy
-( 1 LP ) Private Edition P-101
-( 1 CD ) As Disc AS 343
-( 1 CD ) Historical Performers HP 34
-( 1 CD ) Living Stage LS 4035150
-( 1 CD ) Nuova Era 2320
-( 2 CD ) Parnassus PACD 96061/2
-( 2 CD ) St-Laurent Studio YSL SR 1965 04 22

October 21 - 22, 1973 - Roloff, Helmut - Berlin - Studio Zehelendorf
-( 1 CD ) EMI Japan TOCE-6621

October 27, 1974 - Bolet, Jorge - New York City - 92nd Street YMHA
-( 6 CD ) Marston 56003-2

April 20, 1975 - Bolet, Jorge - Bloomington - University of Indiana
-( 1 CD ) Lyra House LHL 1002

November 24 & December 23, 1982 - Perahia, Murray - New York City - Vanguard Recording Studios
-( 1 LP ) CBS IM 37838 US
-( 1 LP ) CBS IM 37838 EU
-( 1 CD ) CBS Recordings MK 37838
-( 1 CD ) CBS Recordings MK 42401
-( 2 CD ) Philips 456 922-2
-(73 CD) Sony 88691912562

July 7 - 10, 1989 - Brendel, Alfred - Suffolk - Snape Maltings Concert Hall
-( 2 CD ) Philips 456 733-2
-( 2 CD ) Philips Japan PHCP-20663/4