Claudio Arrau /
Marston /

Claudio Arrau/Marston - Discography
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�Marston : Chopin - Recordings
CD : Marston : Chopin - Recordings

Artist : Claudio Arrau

Label : Marston

Product Id : 54001-2

Year : 2004

Number of Discs : 4

�Marston : Liszt - Illuminated
CD : Marston : Liszt - Illuminated

Artist : Claudio Arrau

Label : Marston

Product Id : 52065-2

Year : 2000

Number of Discs : 2

�Marston : Arrau - The Complete Pre-War Recordings
CD : Marston : Arrau - The Complete Pre-War Recordings

Artist : Claudio Arrau

Label : Marston

Product Id : 52023-2

Year : 2000

Number of Discs : 2